- 1-855-UniRelo | 1-855-864-7356
- info@unirelo.com
Other Questions
41) What is required of me?
Anyone planning a visit to a foreign country is personally responsible to honor the laws of the country to which he/she is a guest. It is advisable to contact the Consulate or Embassy of your destination country for official information. Secondarily, Customer Service can provide general guidelines regarding entry requirements.Read more
40) When do I pay you?
All international shipments of household goods/personal effects must be prepaid (prior to shipping) by cash, check, money order or by credit card. Cost estimates can be made prior to shipping and the flexibility applies for corporate who issue purchase orders, but the actual cost can not be determined until the weights and dimensions are confirmed. Upon confirmation of the weights and dimensions, you will be notified of the final price and asked to submit your payment before the shipment is released for shipping overseas or delivery.Read more
39) Should I buy insurance coverage?
Replacement value, all risk insurance is available with various deductibles. It is wise to insure a shipment for the cost to replace it in the country of destination. Additionally, it is possible to insure for the cost of re-shipping a lost or damaged item. A Customer Service representative at Unirelo will assist you with more details of insuring your shipment.Read more
38) Are there Duties and Taxes to pay, and how much will they be?
Many countries allow used household goods and personal effects to enter without duties or taxes. Others are less lenient. Our operations Department will provide general guidelines regarding duties and taxes. Official information can be obtained by contacting the embassy or consulate of the destination country.Read more
37) What do I need to know about Customs?
Customs officials exist to protect the laws and rules of their country and to collect duties and taxes in connection with their laws. Anyone planning a visit to a foreign country is personally responsible to honor the laws of the country to which he/she is a guest. Official information can be obtained by contacting the Consulate or Embassy of the destination country. We will give you thorough guidance based on our practical experience gained from our daily involvement.Read more
36) Is my shipment safe?
Due to innovations and advancements in the transportation industry, shipping internationally is nearly as safe as shipping domestic. There are some additional hazards to which an international shipment can be exposed, starting with the ocean. Some countries are known for heat and humidity and some have security concerns. Our 10 years of experience has taught us practical lessons on how to deal with each of these, thus reducing them to procedures as common as shipping locally.Read more
35) How long does it take for our shipment to get to its destination?
There are as many answers as there are destinations, but generally surface shipments from end of the globe to the other can arrive in 4-6 weeks. Air shipments can be cleared and delivered to your door in ten days or less. There are various levels of service, allowing for faster or slower transit times. Even though "Mother Nature" often has a dramatic affect on schedules, we are flexible and work very closely with our customers to provide the schedules that fit their requirements.Read more
34) How much does it cost to move overseas?
The Price is based mainly on the volume and weight of your shipment. Our invoice will be based on actual costs of packing, loading, shipping, clearing and delivering your shipment. There are ways to determine an estimated cost in advance. On small shipments we can determine estimated cost by analyzing your list of items to be packed and shipped. The more details you can supply, the more precise we can be with our estimate. On larger shipments we will perform a free pre-move survey of your shipment to determine your shipping requirements and…Read more
33) How is my shipment packed and how does it get there?
Your personal effects are carefully wrapped and packed into specially designed cartons. Each piece of furniture is wrapped in protective materials as though it were a large Christmas present. Then, depending on the overall size of your shipment, it is loaded into large wooden crates or steel sea containers. The sea containers are loaded onto a container ship and sent to your destination port, where it is off-loaded and cleared through customs. We then deliver your shipment to your new residence, unwrap and set up the furniture, unpack your cartons and remove the…Read more
32) Is there anything else that I should know / be aware of?
Read our quote, contract and terms & conditions. Read your insurance terms & conditions if you are purchasing insurance.v Ensure that your packed boxes and big items are all properly marked with your name, destination, package number and destination address. Ensure that your household goods descriptive inventory has a corresponding entry for every package in your shipment and is signed and dated by you.Read more
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